S1 E21: Everyone has a very important voice (Zach / @zachleat)
Download MP3Zach Leatherman joins the show to talk about his origin story: from learning programming in the early days of the web to being paid to build open-source software, it's been a wild ride!We discuss the power of having your own website versus just relying on social media and algorithms, as well as the best way to get started building a website if you're new to it.Discussed LinksEleventyNetlifyIndieWebZach's WebsiteZach's Twitter: @ZachLeat
Zach Leatherman joins the show to talk about his origin story: from learning programming in the early days of the web to being paid to build open-source software, it's been a wild ride!
We discuss the power of having your own website versus just relying on social media and algorithms, as well as the best way to get started building a website if you're new to it.
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